Renegotiating Leases and Refinancing Loans
The manufacturers or distributors of medical and office equipment often provide leasing to help sell their products to you. While you’re happy to avoid large up-front cash outlays, the leasing terms are often sub-optimal for you.
By examining your leases and negotiating with the leaseholder or obtaining alternate financing, we often save our clients $1,000 per month—or $12,000 per year. For newer equipment with an average 10-year life, this results in the savings of $120,000.
When investing these annual savings at five percentage points above inflation, this amount will contribute $232,000 to your retirement without decreasing your income by a single dollar.
We will also review any outstanding loans to identify savings that can be obtained by refinancing or eliminating current debt—resulting in additional annual cost savings.
If you are interested, you can also read about the Adjourn/Stop Winding-Up Petition.