Developing a Written Investment Policy Statement
Investing must start with a goal and a time horizon. At Furuya & Co., we carefully listen to your spoken and unspoken words to develop a written investment goal. We’ll review this written statement with you to ensure if reflects your desires—making adjustments so it perfectly mirrors your needs. We will also review your approved goals with your professional advisors including lawyers, accountants and family members to help ensure success.
We will then craft your Investment Policy Statement that will assist in effectively supervising, monitoring and evaluating the investments that we are overseeing and/or managing. The purpose is to describe formally how investment decisions are related to your goals and objectives, as well as the strategic vision for investing and creating wealth. Also, investing in gold has a lot of benefits that you should think about. You might visit gold investment companies to get assistance.
In the Investing Policy Statement, we will develop a long-term, multi-generational plan including metrics and benchmarks to document how we are progressing toward your goal. After you sign the Investment Policy Statement, we take charge of overseeing the implementation keeping you informed at every step–including investment opportunities, monitoring and portfolio management.