The Importance of Managing Costs
Managing costs is vital for any business. But we view it as even more important than managing a Profit and Loss statement — it is the key to your family’s future.
Consideration: Funding a Vendor’s Retirement Account vs. Your Own
Imagine a business operating for 15 years and during that time, they overpaid a vendor by $20,000 each year. By sheer math the business is out $300,000 ($20,000 * 15 years). But if that vendor invested each annual over-payment at five percentage points above the historical annual inflation rate of 2%, then their retirement account would be worth more than $500,000.
Our objective is to do exactly this — but for you. We build retirement accounts for business owners by reducing business costs and directing the proceeds toward your retirement. As a result, your retirement fund grows without the need to increase discretionary, personal contributions.
It sounds crazy that any business would overpay a vendor. Yet it happens every day.
Based upon our experience working with professional service businesses with annual revenue of $3,000,000, we have identified three major categories of cost savings that are available to virtually all service businesses, including:
– Credit Card Processing Fees (typical annual savings of $25,000)
– Leases and Loans (typical annual savings of $12,000)
– Employee Compensation (typical annual savings of $20,000)
We help clients obtain these savings to fund their own retirement plan. These typical annual savings alone produce a pre-tax retirement fund of nearly $1,400,000. To view the potential impact for your own business, please try our online calculator.